FMI 1.0
FaaS Message Interface
FMI::Comm Namespace Reference


class  Channel
 Interface that defines channel operations. Only provides a few default implementations, the rest is implemented in the specific ClientServer or PeerToPeer channel types. More...
class  ClientServer
 Client-Server channel type. More...
class  Data
 Small data wrapper around a generic type T with some helper utilities. More...
class  Data< std::vector< A > >
 Wrapper around an arbitrary STL vector. More...
class  Data< void * >
 Instantiate data with a pointer to memory and an arbitrary size. Should only be used in exceptional cases, the native types should be used otherwise. More...
class  Direct
 Channel that uses the TCPunch TCP NAT Hole Punching Library for connection establishment. More...
class  PeerToPeer
 Peer-To-Peer channel type. More...
class  Redis
 Channel that uses Redis with the Hiredis client library as storage backend. More...
class  S3
 Channel that uses AWS S3 as backend and uses the AWS SDK for C++ to access S3. More...